CAS Program

 The CAS Program is semester long course based at the Athenaeum focused on designing and planning art experiences that will be implemented in a local school, museum, or community setting. The design of the art experiences will be grounded in current theories of art education and will be responsive to learner context.


9 weeks of the course is devoted to leading art experiences through teaching process. Throughout the course, students will engage in on-going reflection and analysis of teaching. During my experience as a graduate student in the program, I engaged in hands on teaching, observation, lesson planning and preparation, student reflection and analysis, and artist-research related to printmaking discourse. My contributions and documentation are outlined below.

Stage I: Initial Findings

This booklet presents documentation of my work and observations on participant engagement, specifically focusing on student involvement in printmaking art lessons within CAS, an after-school program at the downtown Athenaeum. The research includes a diverse range of qualitative and quantitative data gathered from the experiences of pre-service art educators, administrators, MFA candidates, and other individuals within the art sphere.

Stage II: Conclusions


Project X